Thursday, 22 May 2008


Lately, I have been receiving so many unnecessary and unwanted news. Though I try to ignore but it keep bothering me. Am fed up of these nonsence but as a human, I can't run away. Somehow, I have to face it and end up, I am stressed.
What would you do when you feel stress? Here, some tips I've got from the internet (by Alison B Dunham), should try this....

1. Talk: Don't hold all your feelings within! Discuss your stressful feelings with someone you trust who will listen without being judgmental or pressuring you to their own point of view.
Me: what if I don't have someone that I trust? Have no choice but to swallow it.

2. Be in Charge: Another way to reduce your stress is to find an interest, hobby or activity where you feel in charge and call the shots.
Me: hobby, interest???? impossible to me... as it is, to find time for myself also is very difficult....

3. Get Away: Sometimes a change, however small, can do wonders for your spirit. Forget it all for a while - escape! Go somewhere new for a few hours, or a few days if you can afford to.
Me: this sounds good to me... but still... time always a hurdle for me

4. Socialise: Spend time with family and friends for love and support. Don't be afraid to enjoy yourself! Appreciate friendship and let others know you care about them, too. Love may not conquer all, but it's a great start.
Me: have no comment on this....

5. Learn How to be Happy: One thing all of life's winners have in common is a sense of well-being, a positive attitude and realistic goals. Focus on the good things about yourself, and in your life. Nobody's perfect. Learn to enjoy the "little things" that make you happy.
Me: this is fantastic but when you focus on the good things about yourself, don't overdo, as you'll become ego.

Picture: courtesy of



oh poor girl is stress!! well from your commnets i can see that your main problem is TIME management. If you work on that u will find more time for yourself and your work done and able to enjoy life too. Stress is good as for me, it makes me think and plan, keep me busy ang going. I hate life to be straight road drive...without traffic lights, jam , road block and accident (only at will put me to sleep. Boring right? Look at it in positive way. It helps.

Rosie said...

Yes... its time management. I always complain and yet I know waht to tackle.. but still..... you know me dont you????