Monday, 31 December 2007

Happy New Year & Welcome 2008!

picture courtesy of

Today, 31 December - is the last day for year 2007. We have gone through 12 months or 365 days or 8760 hours or 525,600 minutes or 31,536,000 seconds for year 2007 – time flies. It is like yesterday we stepped into 2007 and now we are saying goodbye.

Take a minute or two to look back what have we done through these times. Have we fulfilled the resolution we made during the beginning of 2007? Also, think back what we’ve done good to ourselves, our family, our love ones and people around us.

2008 will show its face in a few hours, so what do you have in your “wish-list” or “things to do”? Will it be totally a new list or a “bring forward of those 2007”? My 2008 “wish-list” is:

Save money
Do charity work
Be more tolerance
Stay at 3.5&above pointer
Start up my own business
To write more

Hopefully, I manage to keep up with the above list - the same thing we say when we start a new resolution :-). Well, whatever it is just try to accomplish as many as possible. Lets hope for the best but at the same time, we must work out to make it happen.

Let us welcome 2008 with a hope that its going to be a smooth and peaceful sailing towards the end and don’t forget to say goodbye and thankful to 2007 that had made us older by one year and wiser (at the same time) :-).



Blessed New Year wishes to you and lets work on the charity yah...not just planning and talking about. Very serious about it lah..

Rosie said...

He..He.. Yes, its a must.. So get the ball rolling.

Rosie said...

He..He.. Yes, its a must.. So get the ball rolling.